Hi! I am a PhD student in the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) at University of California San Diego. My research interest lays in the intersection of Causality and Machine Learning, include Causal Discovery, Causal Representation Learning and Causal Machine Learning. My ultimate question is, can we discover world model with the self-consistent loop of autonomously Causal Discovery and Causal Inference.
Currently, I conduct causality-related research in HDSI, advised by Dr. Biwei Huang. Before joining in UCSD, I mainly focused on developing automated causal discovery algorithm for large complex system, advised by Dr. Konrad Kording. I am also interested in Brain-Computer Interface and Computational Neuroscience, and conducted research related to Neurofeedback system advised by Dr. Gan Huang. Meanwhile, I am a data science enthusiast, have won multiple medals on Kaggle.
PhD in Data Science, present
University of California San Diego
MSE in Bioengineering, 2023
University of Pennsylvania
BEng in Biomedical Engineering, 2021
Shenzhen University
Exchange Student, 2020
University of Pennsylvania
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Participated and won more than two silver medals in the Kaggle Competitions:
Fellowships and Awards during acquisition of Bachelor’s Degree: